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Archives Index - March 2001

31 March - Rant on Various Topics
29 March - Montrose in the Daytime
28 March - Chuck Pride Can Go To Hell
26 March - Explaining Political Behavior
25 March - Bootlegs and Napster
24 March - PMS? Perhaps Not!
22 March - ITPs at BS-Us
21 March - On Paglia, Brooks, and Duff
21 March - Is Spring Finally Here?
20 March - Blar Tuesday
18 March - Dissertation Curse
17 March - Scott Miller
16 March - Hurricane Kellas
15 March - ITPs Strike Again
13 March - Backpacking
13 March - Sanction
13 March - Buffalo Bayou
11 March - Whirlwind Weekend
10 March - Troy Aikman
09 March - False Dichotomy: Liberty versus Equality
08 March - Oliver Wendell Holmes
07 March - Laxative 2001
06 March - Yesterday
04 March - Weekend of (mainly my) Ineptitude
03 March - Good Enough Just Isn't
01 March - Searches in February

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