TX Senate GOP: What damaged brand?

Senate Republicans put the GOP first, not issues that matter (Austin American Statesman)

Forget the $9.1 billion drop in projected state revenues and the state’s slowing economy.

Never mind the scandals in the Texas Youth Commission and state schools for Texans with mental retardation. Or that the Texas Department of Transportation made a $1 billion budget error, and not in the state’s favor.

No, for Republicans in the Texas Senate, the most important crisis facing the State of

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Callie had the best reaction to this odd ad from Big Bad John: Why is he impersonating Ansel

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Fun Time

Rich Connelly notes in the Houston Press that license renewals are about to become FUN in Texas:

The federal Real ID act requires everyone renewing a license after May 11, 2008, to present a passport or birth certificate and a valid Social Security card. (After doing it once, you can then go back to online renewals.)

That’s 16 million Texans who will have to be processed over a five-year period.

“It’s going to be a little slice of

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