TX Senate GOP: What damaged brand?

Senate Republicans put the GOP first, not issues that matter (Austin American Statesman)

Forget the $9.1 billion drop in projected state revenues and the state’s slowing economy.

Never mind the scandals in the Texas Youth Commission and state schools for Texans with mental retardation. Or that the Texas Department of Transportation made a $1 billion budget error, and not in the state’s favor.

No, for Republicans in the Texas Senate, the most important crisis facing the State of Texas is: voter fraud. That’s the first issue the Senate GOP majority addressed Wednesday

2 comments On TX Senate GOP: What damaged brand?

  • The Republicans tried to out spend the Democrats, and rolled-over on most Liberal issues, that’s what hurt them the most.

    If they can not protect the integrity of the ballot, the Democrats will likey again be the single party Texas suffered under for a century after the voters threw out the Republican carpetbaggers from Reconstruction.

  • another precinct chair

    Even though it was a real "inside politics" move, I think the Democrats were smart to offer a series of amendments to this resolution that would have given other serious issues facing the state the same "special" status as Voter ID, issues like CHIP, veterans affairs, tuition regulation, and home foreclosure. All were defeated on a straight 19-12 party line vote.

    This is David Dewhurst posturing for the 2010 primary, nothing more. He wants to shore up his support with the hard-right base, and he thinks this is a good way to do it. He may be right, but this is a horrible thing for the state.

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