
Callie had the best reaction to this odd ad from Big Bad John: Why is he impersonating Ansel Adams?

3 comments On Huh?

  • If Cornyn was running against a decent candidate….he’d be toast.

    As it is Mister Rick is within shouting range in the polls. Just incredible.

  • another precinct chair

    Noriega could be a really good candidate, that’s the thing. He’s got a great bio with the Afghanistan Guard service and the time in the Lege. It’s like he flunked Campaigning 101 or something by never showing up for class. I had a lot of hope for this campaign six months ago. Now, it’s a no-hoper, I’m afraid. Too bad, Cornyn’s an empty suit, in my opinion.

  • ** Too bad, Cornyn’s an empty suit, in my opinion. **

    He’s Ansel Adams!

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