Drip Drip

This isn’t generally a political blog, and this isn’t really a political post….

But as I watch Senator Kerry drone on (admittedly a bit less haughtily and monotously than usual), I just have one question:

Did Terry McAuliffe forget to pay the electric bill at the Fleet Center?

The nominee is DRIPPING for gawd’s sake.

Not pretty.

(07-30-2004 Update) Orrin Judd described it this way:

Second, at this point in his career it’s pointless to look for the Senator to relax and connect with people, but the rush in which he delivered the whole speech, the relentless breathlessness, and the sweat, all made him seem kind of frantic. C-SPAN did something clever, showing George W. Bush’s speech in 2000 right after the Senator finished–the contrast of the confident, folksy, measured delivery of the President made for a stark contrast with Mr. Kerry’s gerbil on crack routine.

The sweat was just odd. You would think the planners would have tried to head that off.

5 comments On Drip Drip

  • Thank you! I was afraid to say anything for fear of appearing partisan, petty, and mean.

    OK, not really — I was going to note the same thing anyway, but it’s nice to see I’m not alone. His poor daughter’s hair wasn’t dealing too well with the heat/humidity either.

    As long as I’m being petty, as a former Petty Officer (hee) I’m pretty irked that his film called him a "soldier" at least twice. He was a "sailor," or more precisely a "Naval Officer."

  • Hey, it’s not partisan, petty, or mean to point out a bad political image, and that was a bad political image.

    Appearing all drip-drip-drippy with Kennedy sure didn’t do Tricky Dick any favors!

  • Mark Helperin of ABC (I think that’s who it was) said that Kerry’s sweating showed how into this speech Kerry was.
    George Stephi-what’s-his-name said this speech was going to be tough for the Republicans to counter.

    And I’m thinking, I could have made butt-kissing, no-substance remarks like that! Why are they getting the big bucks?

  • Even better:

    I’m pretty sure he referred to "hair pollution" in inner cities in the speech.

    And the balloons. I nearly peed my pants.

  • my sweat would drip down my nose 2

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