Danger Train: Collision #52

There’s been another collision with the Danger Train:

Houston police say they will ticket the man behind the wheel of a car grazed by a light rail train, Wednesday night.

Officers say the man made an illegal left turn in front of the train and just about lost his bumper in the process. Officially, there have now been 51 accidents involving light rail trains. METRO doesn’t count one collision which police determined was a suicide attempt.

At PubliusTX.net, we do count that one. As Laurence Simon put it, every trip near the Danger Train is a suicide attempt, so there’s no real reason to distinguish that one from the others.

I love this coverage. The car was “grazed” by the train, and the car “just about lost [its] bumper.”

As Dave Ward might ask (if he were paying attention to his teleprompter), so which was it? One doesn’t describe the other.

Despite a full-time traffic-beat columnist, the Comical seems not yet to have reported this crash.
