Shiner Light?

Shiner is introducing a new beer aimed at those of us who try to balance our love for beer with the fact that bad carbs (such as those found in bread and beer) make us fat.

Shiner Light will apparently be an amber beer (like Bock), but with fewer carbs and calories (9 g and 120 calories for the light, versus 143 calories and 12.5 g in regular Bock).

The article is wrong about Bud Light and Michelob Light only having 3 carbs (how much did they pay her to write that) — actually, Miller Lite is one of the lowest with about 3 g of carbs. And Coors Light (my poison of late) fares pretty well, with about 5 g of carbs. As noted previously, I do not consider Michelob Ultra to have any resemblance to beer, so we do not care that it has fewer carbs than any of the others.

I probably won’t be switching to Shiner Light. The carb reduction isn’t that great from the real thing, so I’ll probably drink an honest-to-gawd Bock from time to time. Otherwise, it’ll probably be Coors Light, which isn’t that bad when it’s really cold.

And before you give me any grief, Scott, I’ll have you know that watching these bad carbs has allowed me to drop from 182 to 168 over the last few months! So back off. 😛

5 comments On Shiner Light?

  • I’ll probably give the new Light a try, since Shiner Blonde is one of my favorite "high dollar" beers. I don’t care for the taste of the Bock, which is about all I can get on my side of the Red River, so I hope the light leans more toward the flavor of the Blonde, even though it may have the de rigueur amber color.

    As a fellow low-carb-er, I don’t have near the disdain for Mic Ultra that you do, but I admit that Coors Light gets my vote for best "lite" beer right now, although my everyday beer is Keystone Light *shudder*

    Now that I have zero cred with any real beer connoisseurs, I’ll just say I’ll let you know my take on the new Shiner after my annual trek to the Cotton Bowl next weekend. Thanks again for the heads-up.

  • OK, next time I read the article [i]first[/].

    Looks like (a) I won’t be having any Shiner Light next weekend, as it won’t be in the stores until after the 18th, and (b) I probably won’t like it anyway, as they’re explicitly going after the Bock crowd (which I can’t argue with). Bleah.

  • Ha ha ha! Actually, I think my preference would be a Shiner Blonde light, to be honest, because I’m guessing it would be a little lower on the carbs. And I like Bock as it is. 🙂

    I’m envious of you making the OU-Texas trek! I should have looked you up during our Blue Door/OKC music excursion of a few weeks ago, but it was kind of a whirlwind. Next time for sure!

  • I drink Red Dog. It’s cheap, I’m poor, and it’s really good after about an hour, hour and a half, in the freezer. You know it’s "done" when there’s just a little ice in it. I think regular Shiner tastes like puke now, too syrupy, but I used to drink it like water. It’s artifically colored, you know…

  • Shiner Bock Light just sounds unnatural. Shiner [anything] Light sounds un-holy. Do they think their stout German forebears that built the Spoetzel brewery would have stood still for this? I think not…

    At $12 a case, there’s not a thing in the world wrong with Keystone Light, except that I tend to drink it fairly quickly. There’s no feeling like your hand grabbing nothing but cardboard when you reach for another one. I’m back on the straight Bock train. Two or three of those and I’m about as full of beer as I want to get on a school night.

    Kevin, I know you drink Coors Light not for the carbs, but for the Gen-X commercials with the twins and the rap-rockers in the mountains. I know you’ve got a little knitted close-fitting toboggan in your dresser some where.

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