It’s Craptastic!

Comcast is getting ready officially to take over as the new cable provider in Houston.

Craptastic Comcast!

For the past couple of weeks, they apparently have been tweaking the service in my neighborhood.

That means that several times per day, cable and internet service go out completely for a few minutes at a time.

It’s happened about a dozen times today. That’s not good, since I’m working from home and need the internet.

It’s also not good because lately, the television picture seems to have degraded. Badly.

This is unfortunate, as Time Warner service has been great for the two years I’ve lived here in Midtown (although your mileage with TWC may vary).

It looks like I’ll definitely be switching to Dish Network shortly for television, and maybe to DSL for internet (I’d rather have the higher speed of cable, but I’ll take slower speeds for more reliable service).

So far, the experience with Comcast has been Craptastic! Losers.

3 comments On It’s Craptastic!

  • I’ve loved TWC out here in Spring (actually nearer The Woodlands than downtown Spring!). I really hope I don’t have to change anything, but if I do, I’ll just have to suck it up and switch everything over to AT&T, I guess.

    My son and family had Comcast for everything (TV, phone, and internet) when they lived in the SF Bay Area in CA, and they loved it. They now live in Scarsdale, NY, where Verizon has installed fiber-optic cable, and they now have everything through Verizon. He says it’s even better than Comcast was in CA. What I need to find out, I guess, is if this stuff that AT&T is offering is via fiber-optic cable.

  • they apparently have been tweaking the service

    And apparently tweaking the customers in the process, not that it matters to Comcrap. I’ve been fortunate in the outside-the-loop boonies to have not noticed problems yet, but I know they’re coming.

  • I checked into the AT&T experience. They do not offer the broadband TV entertainment package in our vicinity yet, BUT, a customer must have thier aDSL service to get their broadband TV.

    We are still hesitant to commit to switching to a dish for TV, but that could quickly change with COMCAST.

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