A little perspective

Predictably, many political bloggers have offered up their opinions on the Virginia Tech massacre, and what it means (which can often, but not always, be translated as “how it shows my views on culture and politics are superior, and the other guy’s are wrong”).

I was much more impressed with the simplicity (and truth ) of the observation from Houston’s own Jennifer Ringwald:

I don’t get these student going crazy and shooting people. I don’t think they have any idea that the real world sucks a hell of a lot more than school. Or maybe they do…

Amen, sister.

1 comments On A little perspective

  • I wish the media would stop saying he went crazy.

    This situation admittedly makes no sense.

    But calling it crazy evades the reality of what it was —

    pure, unadulterated evil.

    Evil exists and is a choice, not a mental illness.

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