A Reprieve

Well, it turns out the people who wanted us to come in and do that presentation that was stressing me out yesterday (not the work, but the fact that nothing WOULD work) have postponed it for a few weeks.

So I’ve gained a bit of a reprieve.

And since it’s the sort of thing that’s time-sensitive, I’m going to have to wait to do the bulk of that particular work until just before.

But that’s fine. It gives me a little more time to entertain you fine weblog readers. 🙂

Okay, it gives me a little more time to watch football and listen to music and watch the damn idiots who want to run this city, and rave and rant about it all on here.

Although posting is still going to be a bit limited, because I’m planning on more music Friday in San Antonio, then of course Bedlam on Saturday afternoon, and Hurricane Kellas (my good friend Graham from London) blows in on Saturday night; we’ll be attending a surfer party/fundraiser (courtesy of my boss, the surfer dude with the PhD). Woo hoo!

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