The Bid Is $37.66 As I Write This

People will buy and sell anything on eBay.

Even nothing at all (the auction is gone now, but people bid on, literally, nothing).

So Callie sent along tonight’s eBay oddity, pictured to the left.

The title for the auction listing is Weird Gross Bra That Fell Out Of My Ceiling.

And as I said, the bidding is up to $37.66.



5 comments On The Bid Is $37.66 As I Write This

  • Certainly hits 10 on the EWWWWWW scale.

  • HAHAHA!!! hey, if someone’s willing to buy it, why shouldn’t she sell it.

  • Paraphrasing the Byrds, for every thing, there is a fetish.

  • I am *floored*. And consumed with curiosity. Never mind the auction — if there are people who collect "gross stuff", this makes perfect sense.

    Here’s what I want to know: How did the bra get up there? You’d almost think they had to put it up there on purpose. Or else whoever was installing the ceiling needed something to wipe his hands on, grabbed the bra, went, "oops", and decided to hide the bra where she would never find it.

  • Now THAT is funny!

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