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Rendered Speechless

Since I'm on a roll ranting about East Coast conservative intellectuals today, I should note this rather astounding observation from Ms. Collin Levey on the WSJ [Poor?] Taste page:

Cockfighting is only one of a gaggle of animal entertainments in an America that is becoming more multicultural by the day. Badger baiting, lizard racing and dog fighting are also among the exotic enjoyments that have come to our soil.

How these amusements are any more cruel than hunting, fishing or (a favored pastime of New York ladies) dressing up miniature dogs in toy coats is not entirely clear.

Not entirely clear?!

To whom? An imbecile? A mentally impaired person? An earthworm? Saddam Hussein's Information Minister?

Good gawd. I'll pass further commentary on this one over to Callie. It's rare that I'm left speechless (and by something in the WSJ to boot).

[Posted at 09:15 CST on 05/02/03] [Link]

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