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Out Of The Freezer

Is he alive?

It's always a good sign your foreign policy is on the right track when Warren Christopher is trotted out of the deep freeze to critique it in the NYTimes.

A similar appearance by Madeleine Not-At-Albright would seal the deal.

Just as an aside, isn't it a little hard to take seriously any op-ed with a sentence that begins, "As deputy secretary of state in the Carter administration, I...."

It is, however, kind of fun to think of creative ways to finish said sentence:

... helped weaken American prestige across the globe.

... watched helplessly as a bunch of nutty students illegally took our embassy and Americans hostage.

... served a President who thought the key to restoring America's place in the world involved wearing a sweater.

This could go on and on. I almost wish I had comments so all you peeps could contribute!

(Update) Sandy Berger disagrees with Christopher.

[Posted at 10:44 CST on 12/31/02] [Link]

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