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Bitter Mary

Why does bitter Mary McGrory (Bitter Mary here from now on, though I haven't updated the Glossary page) rate a column in the Sunday Washington Post?

I know, I know -- I don't have to read her, and I really should save myself the trouble. But I make a point of reading all sorts of papers, magazines, and columnist I'm inclined not to agree with, as intelligent people really ought to make some effort to do. Some are better than others, and I can at least concede they have a legitimate view even if I disagree. But then there's this kind of crap from Bitter Mary (whose nonsense I've written about before):

The demonization of Bill Clinton will go on. But there is evidence the Republicans are grooming another ogre in waiting. Tom Daschle, the small, humble, considerate Senate majority leader, is unimaginably unpromising as material for a heavy. Republicans are undeterred. In commercials aired in his native South Dakota, he is depicted as an enabler of Saddam Hussein. When he asked sensible questions about the war policy, Republican leader Trent Lott accused him of trying to divide the nation, and House Republican whip Tom DeLay termed him "disgusting." He is baited in the insiders' weekly the Hill and in the conservative Washington Times.

What the effect has been on voters is yet to be determined, but the hammering is taking its toll on Daschle. Last week he lost his famous even temper. He rounded on the Baltimore Sun's congressional correspondent, Karen Hosler, and, with flashing eyes, accused her of calling him an obstructionist. All were amazed.

He obviously doesn't understand the Republicans' continuing need for villains. It's their substitute for policy.

Hmm... I suppose the facts that Daschle has bottled up Senate business with a new majoritarianism, or allowed (if not encouraged) judicial nominations to be bottled up, or has criticized the war effort of the United States (which he supports "on occasion"), or refuses to allow debate on ANWR drilling to come to the floor because he will lose -- none of those matters are legitimate policy disagreements. Because Republicans don't have policy preferences. They just operate by character assassination to cover up their inadequacies (Never mind that it's not the GOP, but the Dems, in their destruction of James Pickering, who have been the ones to use that tactic most prominently of late). And they're picking on a "small, humble, considerate" man to boot!

EARTH TO BITTER MARY: What the bloody hell are you talking about?

Thoughtful liberals, libertarians, and conservatives are all worth reading. And then there's Bitter Mary.

[Posted at 12:30 CST on 03/10/02] [Link]

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