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Counterclockwise Sighting!

As longtime readers know, back before 11 September, this was more of a personal journal. It dealt with a fair amount with politics and political philosophy, because those are my passions, but it also dealt with work and time off and people and personal sorts of matters.

Lately, I've not written much at all here about work. That's not because the place has suddenly been overcome with brilliance. It hasn't; indeed, it has suffered from brain drain (one of the people who has left, my good friend and old mentor Mr. Kellas, will be visiting over the next week or so, so if postings die down for a few days, that's why). But I have found that instead of bitching all the time, I can actually correct some of the idiocy if I'm diplomatic. And I've had a fair amount of success at it lately. That's not to say that stupid things don't still annoy me, but I guess I'm getting better at dealing with them when they actually affect my work directly or indirectly. It's been kind of interesting practicing the fine art of corporate diplomacy and getting something done. But I wonder when it will start to bore.

Also at work today, there was a Counterclockwise spotting! Callie asked about Clockwise and Counterclockwise (ewww.... what about that old web design that was intended for frames? ugh) a while back, and I had to admit that I hadn't seen either of them in ages. But Counterclockwise made a half lap today before disappearing.

[Posted at 23:37 CST on 03/08/02] [Link]

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