Simmons on the Association

Common sense vs. the NBA rulebook (Bill Simmons,

So don’t blame the NBA higher-ups for the way they interpreted that stupid, idiotic, foolish, moronic, brainless, unintelligent, foolhardy, imprudent, thoughtless, obtuse and thickheaded rule. Blame them for having the rule itself. Blame them for allowing the league to morph into something that doesn’t quite resemble basketball anymore. Blame them for a league in which basketball players aren’t totally allowed to think and act like basketball players and teammates aren’t totally allowed to think and act like teammates. Blame them for an ongoing double standard in which the Bruce Bowens of the league can willfully endanger other players, but a roundhouse swipe on an attempted block can get someone ejected if they miss by a scant 10 inches while moving at full speed. Blame them for dubious officiating that’s compromised the playoffs to the degree that an increasing number of fans are wondering where the WWE ends and the NBA begins.

Simmons delivers a much-deserved ass-kicking to David Stern and the Association.

With the Rockets, Mavs, AND Golden State out, David Stern has managed to turn me into a Phoenix fan.