From the “stupid party” files

Speaker Tom to get a new $1,000 john (Rick Casey, Houston Chronicle)

[T]here is one area in which state government is not pinched in penury.

It is an area of 1,960 square feet, situated in the Capitol adjacent to the chamber of the House of Representatives.

It is a two-bedroom apartment for the speaker of the House, the only such quarters in any U.S. state capitol.

While the rest of state government is being starved, privatized or both,

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There was this lovely crash at the dangerous intersection of Richmond/Post Oak/610 that I snapped on the camera phone on my way back from a late lunch today.

It’s going to ROCK when they lay the new Danger Train lines down that

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Slip-up reveals Bush and Blair’s gossip secrets (Alec Russell, Telegraph)

It is the moment every politician dreads: the private conversation caught by the open microphone.

A chat between George W Bush and Tony Blair was recorded at yesterday’s closing lunch at the G8 summit. As he munches on a bread roll Mr Bush confides:

“What they need to do is get Syria to get Hizbollah to stop doing this shit, and it’s over.” It is unclear who “they”

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Chirac: France is strong because France is France

What happened to France’s joie de vivre? (Susan Sachs, Christian Science Monitor)

The unemployment rate is falling. Nine out of 10 teenagers tell pollsters that they are happy in home and at school. France is the world’s fifth-largest economy, with one of Europe’s biggest public sectors, where jobs are essentially guaranteed for life.

And at this very moment, millions of French families are at the seaside or in country homes enjoying their five weeks of paid vacation after

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Dr. House is funny


I grabbed the above screencap from a House MD episode that I had saved on the ReplayTV and finally got around to watching earlier.

House was annoying his ex-wife in the airport, and she asked him if he had a book to read. Next segment, he’s reading his book. Click on the image if the title is unclear.


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