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24 May 2001


Earlier today, I spoke to Mr. Kellas and wished him well. One of the brightest people in our company, and a very good friend, Mr. Kellas is moving on to a competitor, which seems to value him much more than our idiotic management. It was a real treat getting to know him through work. Now the challenge will be to make sure the friendship survives even though work get-togethers (Mr. Kellas is based in London) become infrequent. Thank goodness for email! And relatively cheap Houston-Gatwick airfares.

* * * *

Mr. Kellas did forward me an email tidbit from a client to him, which I'm reproducing below in part:

Hope all is well with you. Having lots of fun here with the "New English" introduced lately in the IOL.

Some readers will, of course, remember this journal entry, in which I describe just what has happened to the newsletter, and how I declined to be a part of it anymore. So it's not just me. Clients are beginning to notice. I don't know whether to feel vindicated or disgusted. I think I'll pick vindicated.

* * * *

A friend called me today, claiming to be Debbie Swenson. I laughed. Fun stuff.

[Posted @ 05:40 PM CST]

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