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08 May 2001

Freaks and Geeks

During my random channel surfing, I've discovered a drama/comedy that I really am beginning to like on Fox Family (scary, huh?): Freaks and Geeks. I've no idea how long this show has been around, so I realize I may very well be behind the pop culture curve. But anyway, one line tonight left me roaring (and was far better than anything Ayn Rand wrote in that silly essay on the same topic):

Lindsay: Dad, give me one good reason a woman shouldn't be President.

Dad: It's called "three irrational days per month."

[Posted @ 11:36 PM CST]


There you go being sexist again!

Actually, I don't think PMS, if that's the implication here (perhaps I'm dense), is a legitimate reason for a woman not to be President. Because otherwise I'd have to give my one good reason a male shouldn't be President: testosterone.

You *do* know that you're watching reruns, right? ;) That's a pretty big show among intelligent internet geek types. I catch it every now and then, but I'm trying to stay away from TV.
[Posted by Evelynne on 9 May 2001, 06:38 PM CST]

Like your site... visit pretty regularly.
Don't know if you watch the show Ed. On last week's show, one of the characters opened up his locker (in high school) and had a picture- of Ayn Rand. His friend asked him who it was, he said, "Ayn Rand" (pronouncing it ANN, I might add) to which he replied something like, "Was she on The Beverly Hillbillies?"
Anyhoo-- reading this post about Freaks and Geeks (wish NBC hadn't cancelled it!) reminded me of that, thought it might amuse you.
[Posted by Lori on 19 May 2001, 11:32 PM CST]

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