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12 February 2001

Technology and New Friends

It's a funny thing -- I've put GreyMatter on the site to allow for easy updates, even multiple updates throughout the day if I feel like it -- and I've sat around most of the day waiting for a profound thought to strike so I could play with the new toy. Alas, there was no succession of profound thoughts through the day today, so no playing with the new toy. Hmm....

Several emails today regarding the matter that bothered both me and Callie last week. I'm tired of that topic. It just needs to die. The sad thing is, I know there was no malicious intent. Time will take care of things, and it will probably be less drastic than previously indicated.

Lots of email lately from folks who have become friends via the web -- Rune, Jonelin, David, Michael, Faye. I find this pretty fascinating to be honest. People with whom I have an obvious, meaningful connection but may never meet. Technology is grand.

Speaking of technology and Rune (in the same paragraph nonetheless), I'm reminded of the woman who manages the IT Department at work. She has recently hung out a sign that says "It's not like people are stuck on the moon." Now think about what that says: "If your computer crashes, regardless of whether you are on deadline or money will be lost or commitments will not be honored, it's really not a big damn deal to me." What a lovely attitude! This sign has been up for a few weeks now. I took the liberty of printing off a couple of the same signs for me and my friend Miss Maxwell, and hung them up. I'm sure our clients will be pleased with that attitude!

[Posted @ 10:47 PM CST]

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