4 February 2001

Missing Fire Hydrant: Day 45
Lee Brown's America
Houston Held Hostage



After spending the last few days involved in group activities of various sorts, I was pleased to spend today with Callie and Kiwi and nobody else.  Not that it was a lazy day -- I did most of the cleaning I intended yesterday, picked up some of my scattered messes, remastered and framed the Joe Ely and the Trish Murphy shows and cut CD-R masters, recorded, remastered, framed, and cut CD-R masters for the RK Antone's show, put up digital photos from 3 different people on the 8 More Miles site, and a few other odds and ends.  It was satisfying after a fairly unproductive week (in terms of my free time) to accomplish a great deal today.  

I also managed to make a real glutton of myself at Floyd's (a wonderful Cajun joint).  Must get to the gym tomorrow....

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