3 December 2000

"Poor Dick Cheney.  I feel bad that he had another heart attack and am glad that he's doing well, but I have to confess that the 'what-ifs' started in my head.... What if he had to drop out of the Vice-Presidency...? Well, what Republican doesn't have a lot to do lately?  The nice man John Ashcroft, that's who, and he could sit as President of the Senate and every day stare down that bitch who stole the election from him.  Hell, with the Senate at 50-50, he'd even get to cancel out her vote pretty often.  I've taken to calling her 'Senator Golddigger.'  If all else fails, Ashcroft could pop her on the head with his gavel.  'Shut up, bitch!' <POP!>  'I said shut up!' <POP!>  Then he'd point it at Rodham and tell her to sit her ass down if she didn't want some of that, too.  Hmm... maybe I wouldn't make a good VP...."

-- My good friend Mr. Hutchison, in a missive that arrived with his Kwanzaa wishes


Last Day of the Idiot-Free Zone (IFZ)

Why is it that every time it turns cold in Houston, I come down with a sore throat/cold thing?  I think I picked up something at Jay's memorial service yesterday.  Now that I think about it, I'm two for two:  I got a nasty nasty cold the last time I set foot in a church, and now I seem to have picked up a minor one.  Blar.

I didn't finish Chapter Three of the dissertation as I had intended.  I rewrote the overall introduction, conclusion to section one, and introduction to section two.  I will need to bang out some commentary on Beard, Croly, and Wilson during the coming week to stay on the rough schedule I've set for myself.

Speaking of the coming week, my week and a half away from the office has come to an end, and I go back to the place tomorrow.  I have rather enjoyed my idiot-free zone (IFZ) and I'm sure tomorrow is going to be a shock at first.

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