23 October 2000


Sensory Overload

Back to the routine today -- up before daylight, off to work about the time the sun is coming up, and a long day of reading news and writing country reports.  I was in a really good zone at work, but unfortunately by the end of the day, it left me wiped out and unable to process sensory stimuli very well.  So I got home to my parents (I was unable to have lunch with them because my truck decided to have a dead battery at work today -- of all the times for it to have problems!) and we went out to dinner a short time later.  I'm afraid I wasn't very good conversationally because my brain was dead from the day.  They seemed to enjoy the evening though.

* * * *

A postscript to yesterday's journal entry:  I forgot to mention that when I was walking Kiwi yesterday morning, I saw that Cecil's had thrown out a small porcelain bulldog, apparently because its leg was broken.  You can see where this is going, I bet.  Yep, I had to pick up the bulldog and put it in the little garden in front of the apartment.  So what if the poor little guy has a rock holding him up in the front?  Sometimes we all need just a little bit of help!  Maybe I'll shoot a photo of him one of these days.  He seems to like his new home.

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