12 October 2000


Eagle Gap Onward

Another restful night, and this time we wake up earlier.  I whip up breakfast in our "kitchen" area of the camp, and I notice some droppings on the trail that weren't there the night before.  I'm not expert in animal droppings, but I think it's probably coyote droppings, although neither of us heard anything overnight.  

We take a nice dayhike (3 hours back and forth) west past Eagle Gap, an area we had planned to cover until the water situation caused us to scale back our plans.  The trail is in excellent condition, and there are some good views of the mountains back out to the north.  We make our lunch, and then decide to break down camp and move to the camping site near the rock wall that I noted on Monday, in order to make our hike all the way out tomorrow a little bit easier.  We walked the railroad tracks again.  Call us lame!  After dropping our stuff at that site, I hiked back down to the water supply to clean myself up some.  I usually like to camp near water so that I can stay fairly clean, and this time that just didn't happen.  So this trip to the water to clean up was quite nice -- especially since it was probably 80 degrees outside and sunny.  What more does a person need on a backpacking trip?

Tomorrow is the hike out, but I think we're both feeling excellent physically after a few sore days.  It's a shame that our time here is running out. 

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