2 Apr 2000


Lake Texoma -- Day Two

It got awfully chilly in the unheated cabin overnight!

Everyone slowly got around and had a big breakfast before they all took off.   Micah and Gladys had to get back to their home, and so did my parents.  After they all took off, we went and tried out the lake and creek for plugging.  Nothing was biting.  I got one little hit on a topwater plug, and we fairly quickly decided it was too cold and too unpromising to stay out!  I got in a nice nap when we got back, as I was dragging. 

After dinner, we went back to the cabin and I started a Robert Kaplan book, An Empire Wilderness:  Travels into America's Future.  I first ran across Kaplan when I was writing my master's thesis.  He wrote a book entitled The Arabists outlining the U.S. State Department's pro-Arab anti-Israeli leanings from virtually day one of the issue.  Since then, he's written several fine books on foreign affairs from the point of view of a travelling journalist with the education and wherewithal to make some sense of what he's seeing.  The approach in his latest book is similar.  So far it's very good.  When finished, I'll write up something more about it.

The rest of the evening was quite nice. 

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  Copyright (c) 2000, Kevin L. Whited