22 Apr 2000




Miami or Berlin?

elian.jpg (18022 bytes)I didn't think the current political regime could surprise me anymore.  Not after the President's wife tried to nationalize healthcare.  Not after Janet Reno has presided for two full terms over the most politicized Justice Department in the nation's history.  Not after the President lied under oath and quibbled over the meaning of the word "is" (at which point I dubbed him the first Nietzschean President).  Not after Waco.  And then I heard about the commando raid captured by the photo to the right -- the culmination of an increasingly anti-libertarian series of events in Little Havana.  I'm not going to write a long journal entry on the subject, though I will likely have more to say on my message boards at some point.  For now, take a peek at the following:

Hanah's 22 April Journal Entry
Leonard Peikoff's op-ed (pretty good)
Bruce Herschensohn's op-ed (a little emotional)
National Review's article "Still Useful, and Idiotic"
Salon's Less Rosy Description of the Anti-Liberty Commando Raid



Copyright (c) 2000, Kevin L. Whited