The Reagan Centennial: Hayward, Morris, and Reagan political biography

Some time ago, my friend Orrin Judd posted an insightful review of Edmund Morris’s widely panned “biography” of Ronald Reagan, the crux of which was as follows:

Edmund Morris was hired to be Reagan’s semi-official biographer on the strength of his Teddy Roosevelt biography, which truly is a great book. But there is one vital fact that noone realized at the time, and which still seems to elude critics and commentators; the book ends before it gets to the

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Krauthammer on constitutionalism

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer has penned a fine column on what is perhaps an emerging movement of constitutionalism among conservatives (even if Tea Party and other activists who drove the GOP to monumental victories in November did not quite formulate it that way at the time).

It’s a great read, although perhaps a bit jarring to the sensibilities of some, since the too-common response to most problems (social and political) over the last decade, maybe two, has been “government

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