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Callie is a big Counting Crows fan, and got me hooked on the band a while back. We've seen them in some pretty cool places -- a venue that looked like a bus barn in Austin, San Marcos, Huntsville, Reno, Tahoe, London, and yeah, boring old Verizon in Houston (or whatever the hell they're calling the venue these days). And we've seen them every year for a few years now. Even heard them trying out the stuff on Hard Candy before it was recorded.

But it was starting to look a little bleak earlier this year. They were doing lots of European dates, and hadn't scheduled any Texas, southwest, or even midwest dates. Still no Texas or southwest, but they did add a St. Louis show. The saturday after Thanksgiving. At the Fox Theater. St. Louis is a skip up the road from my parents in NE Oklahoma, so we're headed up that way after thanksgiving. Seeing them in the Fox will be cool, and downtown St. Louis/LaClede's Landing will be a fun spot to go play also. So the Crows' streak is still alive. Barely.

Sadly, they've lost their drummer to family and other concerns. Blar.

[Posted at 09:20 CST on 11/24/02] [Link]

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