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Eye-Rubbingly Amazing

Here's an interesting bit from Jay Nordlinger's column today:

Reading an article in the New York Times entitled �Black Turnout Could be Critical for Democrat� (and, by the way, that �be� was in the lower case, and I don�t think it should have been), I started at the following statement: �Although Mr. [Jeb] Bush has alienated many blacks in the state with his policies on affirmative action and his role in the 2000 presidential election [what was that?], in which African-American voters were disproportionately disenfranchised, Mr. McBride [the Democratic candidate] has not been entirely successful in shoring up the black vote.�
This wasn�t an opinion piece, but straight news, in the belly of the Times�s political-reporting section. And here, the �disproportionate disenfranchisement� of black Floridians is as factual � indeed, matter-of-factual � as that Lansing is the capital of Michigan.

Eye-rubbingly amazing.

The New York Times is just embarrassing these days. Thing is, they still do some good reporting (if only because of reputation and resources) -- but the ideological agenda of the editors just ruins so much of that good reporting.

[Posted at 22:34 CST on 11/07/02] [Link]

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