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Black Monday

I usually don't mind Mondays.

It's kind of nice to get back to the world of political risk analysis after weekends usually spent on other things.

And this Monday started off pretty well.

Until my boss (who has taught an evening class at UH for years) got to work and checked his email.

It turns out that my dissertation director had a stroke last week, and this is the first that either of us had heard about it.

The news knocked the breath out of me. He just emailed me a little over a week ago to distribute final drafts to my other committee members, meaning the defense was imminent. Suddenly all of that became much less important.

I managed to get info from a few people in the department that he's doing reasonably well, but still in ICU and not receiving non-family visitors just yet.

I haven't been able to get it out of my mind all day, but I'm going to distract myself with a bit of blogging I think. And a trip to the gym, with emphasis on cardio. *shrug*

For those of you who know the man, would you please send some happy thoughts, prayers, good wishes -- whatever -- his way? Thanks.

[Posted at 21:15 CST on 08/26/02] [Link]

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