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The Major League Baseball Players Union has now set a strike date, for 30 August.

Several people (online and offline) whose opinions I respect argue that a strike (or threat of it) is the only leverage the players have against owners trying to impose their will.

Personally, I don't see this one as a good guy versus bad guy thing. Baseball is an entertainment business. The players are the entertainers, and obviously deserve a major cut of the proceeds. The owners (with lots of help from TAXPAYERS these days) maintain the infrastructure and capital investment, and are also entitled to a cut of the proceeds. The NBA and NFL have managed to work from these premises and take care of their business, and Major League Baseball's two parties should be able to as well. If not, the parties are both hurting their business -- and to hell with them.

Because you know what else happens on 30 August?

The Sooners start their football season, against the University of Tulsa.

That's right -- Major League Baseball players picked the first major weekend of college football to start their strike, with the NFL getting under way the next weekend. That won't do much for baseball's share of the sports fan's dollar and attention, now will it?

[Posted at 20:18 CST on 08/16/02] [Link]

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