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Tal G. finds one of his ideas was a month (or so) before its time...

An app as he describes shouldn't be all that hard to put together -- it's almost a combination of alexa and blogdex. The question is, would anyone use it?

Hard to say. I wouldn't, but then again, I rarely consult the "A-List" political bloggers for their opinions anyway (their links, of course, are a different story).

In a way, it all reminds me of the literary criticism industry. Literary criticism DWARFS actual literary PRODUCTION these days, and has for some time -- critics writing about critics writing about critics writing (occasionally) about literature. Is the web slowly turning into warbloggers writing about warbloggers writing about warbloggers writing (occasionally) about war (and politics)?


Maybe that also explains why I've been enjoying tinkering with webby things of late, reading a lot, and writing very little on these pages.

[Posted at 20:56 CST on 05/14/02] [Link]

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