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Diplomacy At Any Cost

It's nice to see that the American Secretary of State will be meeting with the murderer of innocents later this week.

The Israelis have expended much blood and treasure effectively to isolate the Nobel Terrorist. And in one visit, Colin Powell will erase all of that, legitimizing terror and the murder of innocent Israelis once again as the method by which the United States will take notice and dispatch prestigious emissaries to "end the violence" via appeasement.

If this is Colin Powell's decision -- and I suspect it is, as it fits the State Department's mentality perfectly -- then he is swiftly approaching Madeleine Not-At-Albright for my designation as the worst Secretary of State in American history.

This is one of many terrible moments for U.S. diplomacy over the last 9 (really 13) years.

[Posted at 11:01 CST on 04/09/02] [Link]

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