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The Resume Burden Of The Big E

For all of the e-journalists and bloggers who tripped over themselves to see who could best play follow-the-leader in linking this mean little piece that basically accuses the vast majority of Enron workers of perpetuating fraud (I dissented here), here's a NY Times article (oh no, the local Chron wouldn't have such local coverage!) about what is happening to real people as a result of that prevailing mindset. Never mind that Enron once was a cutting edge firm that employed the best and brightest -- everyone who ever worked there is now tainted, fairly or (mostly) unfairly, with no regard to the quality of their work or their talents. I'm glad that Michael Lewis is so much better than them, and can pass (blanket) judgments on them instead of having maybe just a little compassion and an open mind.

[Posted at 10:56 CST on 03/03/02] [Link]

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