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29 September 2001


I was amused when this blurb appeared on Virginia Postrel's website a few days ago:

Several people in Washington asked me the same question, based on my frequent recommendations of his InstaPundit site: "Who is Glenn Reynolds?"

I don't recall how I first happened upon the InstaPundit site -- but my reaction was along the lines of "This guy's good." I've been much more interested in his blogging and observations than his background. But I'm not surprised that certain DC'ers are more interested in background, since we all know that's much more important than the quality of one's arguments and thought. Or not.

I kind of like the InstaPundit approach. My own site has evolved from a completely personal "page" to a personal journal to a journal/news blog to more of the combined blog/analysis page (with some personal observations) that it is now. I've often thought it would be entertaining to create a wholly anonymous site -- or at least less of a "me-zine" and more of a mysterious place (i.e. the Disenchanted approach). Maybe that will be the approach of Version 5.

[Posted @ 10:52 PM CST]

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