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26 September 2001

Blarianna Huffs and Puffs

Arianna Huffington (whom we not-so-affectionately refer to as Blarianna Huff[and Puff]ington here because, frankly, she is a dolt much of the time) has written a column defending Bill Maher from those mean "politically correct" people who would "censor" him.

Now, I've already written about the Maher issue at some length, but I would re-emphasize that the possible cancellation of Maher's show is NOT censorship. If advertisers, for whatever reason, decide no longer to support his show, that is a MARKET decision. People who confuse MARKET decisions with CENSORSHIP (constitutionally impermissible government curbs or elimination of speech and expression) are not to be taken seriously -- which is one of many reasons for the nickname we've given Huffington.

Really, though, Huff[and Puff]ington's column has much less to do with censorship and slippery slopes and everything to do with this paragraph:

As well as being the host of the show, Bill is my friend. And, as his friend, I was really proud of him. Proud of how perfect a note he had struck between rallying around the flag, showing grief and expressing dissent. How he had shown that they are not mutually contradictory. And everything that has happened since has only made me prouder of him -- and more disgusted at the politically correct cowards who are trying to stifle him.

Careful (hell, even casual) students of Plato's Republic will recognize this argument, for it does not differ substantially from the conception of justice advanced by Polemarchus: that justice is doing good to one's friends and harm to one's enemies. Huff[and Puff]ington's argument ultimately comes down to: "Bill Maher is my friend, and I will defend him." Fair enough -- Polemarchus would be proud! But don't present Maher as a symbol of oppression of civil liberties via censorship. That's laughable.

And as a complete aside -- I'm fairly certain that if Maher's show IS cancelled on ABC, it will find a home on some niche cable channel, which is where, if I'm not mistaken, it had its beginnings. I'd love to see the show go back to the Comedy Channel, a circumstance that would be even more fitting if Blarianna Huff[and Puff]ington were made a permanent co-host, so her comedic views of censorship and other matters political would have an audience already expecting comedy!

[Posted @ 09:06 AM CST]

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