17 January 2001


Distress Signal

A couple of nights ago, we tripped to Diedrich's for coffee (which I highly recommend -- 4 shots of espresso in a large latte!) and I was fairly certain Emmitt Smith was sitting inside with an attractive young lady.  But then I thought, nah, surely not.  Well, it probably was Emmitt.  Hallmark tells me he's been seen hanging in Montrose before.  Go figure.

One thing that has not been seen is the City of Houston Public Works Department.  At least they haven't been seen repairing the fire hydrant that is still broken in front of my apartment.  It's been out of commission for several weeks now since the crash.  A few days ago, someone came along and took away the City of Houston warning sawhorse that was sitting on top of it.  Just another day in Lee Brown's America.

I wonder if Ted Kennedy realizes how embarrassing he is?  Flying the flag upside down is known as a signal of distress.  Chap' Kennedy distresses me (and the republic), so I thought I'd fly him upside down.

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