14 December 2000

Salon.com closing share prices



Joan Walsh and Salon.com

Joan Walsh, the "editor" of Salon News, apparently did not like my assessment of her recent "news article" as being written by someone who seemed to be PMSing.  She sent me an email calling me an "asshole."  I forwarded this email on to a few of Salon.com's other editors (and their founder) along with a note that such insulting emails to readers probably help to explain the financial flop that IS Salon.  Meanwhile, Salon.com's stock continues to hover around $1 on NASDAQ and risks being de-listed.  

So let's see: Salon.com's leftwing nuttiness has inspired investors so much that they have abandoned the stock in droves, but I am an asshole!  In reality, Salon has become a penny stock, and it couldn't happen to a more dishonest, unprofessional, biased group of "news" persons!  I rather enjoy the fact that their writers who jumped on board the project amidst promises of "Stock Options Galore" are now seeing the market reject their nonsense, and their "stock options galore" are now worth about enough to buy a few cases of Shiner Bock.  Markets are nearly always efficient, and in this instance they've also delivered more of a rebuke than any email anyone could ever send.

Meanwhile, FoxNewsChannel continues to do quite well in the television ratings war -- despite production that at times seems shoddy.  I would wager their non-Leftist bias, unique among major news outlets, has something to do with this.  And that probably makes them "assholes" in Joan Walsh's leftist world!

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