7 December 2000

"But this qualifies as a great civics lesson? Civics means more than the literal instructions for our government machinery. Civics is about citizenship, about how people are supposed to behave in a free society. And in that sense, this has been a terrible civics lesson."

-- Jonah Goldberg, "Florida Boring..."


The Kangaroos

Today, the Florida mess moved back to the FL Kangaroo Kourt.  Again, the questions seemed to be poor and the justices woefully ignorant.  It's hard to read much into oral questioning -- and they at least did not simply defer to David Boies (who looked rather deflated) on everything -- but when so many justices seem to be looking so hard for a way to engage in activism, the result can never be good.  Surely they won't invite the U.S. Supreme Court to spank their asses again?

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