4 November 2000

"Parental Advisory:  If your children grow up to be rotten little shits, don't blame us!"

-- Found on the inside back of the cd cover for Reckless Kelly's new release, The Day



It's amazing how much time revising and moving a website can take.  I spent most of Saturday finishing up with 8 More Miles, and requested the proper nameserver changes.  There's still a few more things I need to do, including moving the audioclip files.  Of course, that is made difficult by the fact that Roadrunner this weekend decided to start having problems again on the upload side, the same problems it had a little over a month ago but which disappeared.  These problems always seem to come about when I have large files to move.  Annoying.  But in the greater scheme of things, not really that big a deal.

* * * *

The Sooners rolled again, this time over hapless Baylor.  

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