25 July 2000


ReadingThe Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav

Ongoing Project:  8 More Miles


Scattered Thoughts


Tonight is one of those nights where I really have no grand insight on the day, politics, philosophy, etc.  Instead, there are just random thoughts buzzing around.  I might as well share some of them:

Stat tracking shows I have a New Zealand visitor... that's pretty cool.

Reckless Kelly really doesn't have all that much info out on the web, sadly.

Dick Cheney is an outstanding choice for a VP running mate, but Jack Danforth would have been a far better influence on Bush for matters judicial.

Jack Danforth probably wasn't picked because of his support of Clarence Thomas, yet Clarence Thomas has turned out to be the best justice on the Court, and his judicial philosophy should be Bush's judicial philosophy.  And everyone who wants to express an opinion on constitutional matters ought first to read Thomas's dissenting opinion in the term limits case, and think about it.

I recall when Phil Gramm ran in the primaries unsuccessfully (understatement) four years ago, and some commentator noted, "People don't want the next President to sound like someone from Deliverance; it scares them."  I don't know why I thought of that, but it's still funny.

Diedrich's on Montrose makes a damn fine latte.

The new Whole Foods Market on Kirby, in addition to being an excellent source of bulk goods most stores don't carry, is also an excellent place to people watch.

Gingko Biloba really IS a good supplement.

I need to answer a lot of emails.

I also need to start getting myself back to the gym regularly.

Kiwi needs a bath.

I need to go to bed.



Copyright (c) 2000, Kevin L. Whited